On March 24th, The President of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, inaugurated the official operational of MRT Jakarta. This new mode of transport soon became commuter's favorite. Netizen says, it's "instagrammable" spot besides Pedestrian Bridge of Sudirman (JPO Sudirman).
The MRT Jakarta railway covers approximately 10 km of elevated section and around 6 km of underground section with total 13 stations (7 elevated stations and 6 underground stations). It operates from the early morning until midnight with 5 minutes headway.
Phase 1 of MRT Jakarta is already done, connecting from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI and will be continued with Phase 2 connecting from Bundaran HI to Jakarta Kota. The whole project is planned to be extended with Phase 3.
MRT Jakarta was commercially opened on April 1st with 50% discount rate. Full charge was implemented started from May 13th. The fare is cheap enough, only increasing IDR 1,000.- every station passed. If you start your trip from Lebak Bulus to the nearest station (Fatmawati) cost IDR 4,000.- and will be IDR 5,000.- only if you stop at the second nearest station (Cipete Raya) and so on. And if you have a full trip from Lebak Bulus to the last station (Bundaran HI) it will cost IDR 14,000.- (check https://www.jakartamrt.co.id/tarif-mrt-jakarta/)
So, start using public transportation now! More efficient, less pollution.