The title may sound ridiculous. The only way to prove it, is to try! Once you try Nasi Gandul, you will understand.
First, let me introduce you to Pati, the place where my father was born. Pati is a regency in the northern part of Jawa Tengah Province. Pati shares border with Java sea in the north and other regencies such as Rembang, Kudus, Jepara, etc.
Nasi Gandul is considered as a typical food of Pati. It is served on a plate covered by banana leaf. The word "gandul" means carrying. That's right, Nasi Gandul was named after its history, where people sold Nasi Gandul by carrying it, walked from one village to another village.
In some traditional places, you won't see any spoon to enjoy Nasi Gandul. you'll use "Suru" instead of spoon or fork. Suru's made of banana leaf, too. But don't worry, the vendors will always provide the spoon or fork in case you can't use Suru. Nasi Gandul consists of Rice (of course), gravy, a slice of meat, you can add an egg or soybean if you like.
One of the most well-known Nasi Gandul in this town is Nasi Gandul "Bu Mira", located only 2 kilometers southward from Joyo Kusumo Stadium. Trust me, once you put your first "Suru" into your mouth, you'll get addicted.